Why Your Foot Hurts at Night – And How to Stop It

Why Your Foot Hurts at Night – And How to Stop It

Here are 8 reasons you may have nighttime foot pain, even if your feet don't hurt during the day.

Did you ever wonder why your feet sometimes hurt more at night when you're resting than they do during the day when you're on the go? If that has been your experience, you're certainly not alone. Many people have foot pain when they get into bed or while they're relaxing on the couch. In addition to pain, you may also feel tingling, burning or numbness.

Why do your feet hurt at night when you're not even on them?

There can be many reasons you experience pain 和 discomfort in your feet at night, including:

  • 你的鞋子. If you wear shoes that don't fit well or that don't have much support, it can cause painful foot conditions, 比如水泡, 拇囊炎, plantar fasciitis or other foot-related issues.
  • 你的体重. If you are overweight or obese, it puts extra pressure on your feet 和 ankles, 肌肉拉伤, 韧带和关节. This can cause chronic pain or injury.
  • 你的生活方式. 如果你经常站着的话, 无论是工作还是娱乐, it can lead to overuse injuries such as heel pain, 胫骨疼, weak ankles or stress 骨折.
  • 足底筋膜炎. This common foot condition affects the b和 of tissue running along the bottom edge of your foot. When it becomes inflamed, it can be painful. St和ing or walking for long periods of time 和 not wearing supportive footwear aggravates the condition.
  • 关节炎. Inflammation in your joints may be felt more at night, especially when you lie down.
  • 周围神经病变. The nerves in your extremities may be damaged, 尤其是你的腿, 导致疼痛, numbness 和 difficulty walking. Symptoms of this disorder are usually worse at night.
  • 外周动脉疾病. This is a condition in which the blood vessels in your legs are blocked or narrowed, reducing blood flow to your feet 和 legs. This may cause pain, numbness or difficulty walking.
  • 怀孕. Changes to your body during pregnancy may cause your feet to swell 和 ache 和 may also lead to leg cramps at night.

What can you do to ease nighttime foot pain?

The first thing you should do if your feet often hurt at night, 或者在一天中的任何时间, is to see a doctor for an evaluation. Figuring out what is causing the discomfort can help you determine the best way to alleviate pain, 麻木或刺痛.

Other remedies that may help include:

  • Stretching 和 strengthening exercises
  • Practicing the RICE method (rest, ice, compression 和 elevation)
  • Taking anti-inflammatory medication
  • 戴夹板
  • 穿压缩袜
  • 进行物理治疗
  • 必要时进行手术

Other tips for helping to prevent foot pain include:

  • Wearing well-fitting supportive footwear
  • Regularly performing stretching 和 strengthening exercises for your feet 和 ankles
  • 保持健康的体重
  • 保持充足的水分
  • Managing chronic health conditions, such as 心血管病糖尿病

Speak with a 足部及踝部 Specialist

我们的专用 肌肉骨骼 团队 is here for you at all stages of life, with the most advanced treatments 和 therapies available in the area. From arthritis 和 osteoporosis to trauma care, 关节置换术等, you can be sure that our providers are highly experienced in their chosen specialty to provide you with the best treatment available.


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Date Last Reviewed: June 16, 2023

Editorial Review: Andrea Cohen, Editorial Director, 鲍德温出版公司. 联系编辑

医学检查: 佩里·皮特科,医学博士

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